Info on 2025 Applications will be announced in January.
If you do not already have a free Submittable account, you will need to create one to apply. The application includes the following questions:
Applicant Info: Grant Category, Project Title, Applicant Name, Website, Social Media, Email, Phone, Address
Application Questions: What is your idea? How will you make it happen? Who are you? (Applicants can answer these questions with brief paragraphs, audio clips, or video clips.) How will you use your WaveMaker funds?
Work Samples: At least one great image to represent the project is requested. Optional images, audio, video, writing, link, supplemental materials, and/or related information may be included.
There is no application fee. Locust Projects is committed to making WaveMaker Grants accessible to all applicants. Should you need any accommodations or assistance to complete your application, please reach out to
Selection Criteria:
All proposals will be considered based on criteria including but not limited to:
Overall idea, vision, and artistic innovation
Relevance to the local social, cultural, and/or geographic context
Accessibility of the project to the public outside of a museum or gallery
Capacity of the applicant to realize the project on time and within budget
Potential impact on the local community, the arts and culture landscape, and/or the artist’s growth
Grants are reviewed by two curators/program directors representing two of the Warhol Foundation Regional Regranting organizations; 1 past WaveMaker grantee; and a local curator\arts administrator.
All grantees will be notified by June 30 of the status of their application. Grants are funded at 90% of grant amonut after all contracts agreements are complete. Remaining 10% after the project final report is submitted.
Image above: Third Portal, The Writing on the Bathroom Wall, A Portrait of Club Saints and Icons.